Monday 27 June 2011

Travelling Europe on a low budget.

Ever thought of seeing all the cities of Europe but could not afford to do it? This was my worry when I realised my desire to travel was too great but lack of funds stood in my way. In a moment of desire, my friend and I decided to book tickets to Amsterdam, travelling out in mid-September 2009....I do not know what we expected to happen then. So we would be in mainland Europe...then what? Did we expect thumb lifts to each country? Yes, we were two excited girls, with no plans past this flight. However, in a miraculous moment we found a Saviour, InterRail!

Interrail prices vary, depending on the number of countries you intend to visit, and how long you want to travel. We opted for the 1 month travel costing £350. This ticket included travel with most trains (except for the train between Bari and Rome)  and also cut the price of a boat from Athens to Bari to 20Euro. The ticket was posted out with a map of Europe and an advice booklet.

Ticket prices can be found:

The rail card is cheaper for under 26 year olds and I would recommend it for those wanting to travel during the summer holidays. The ticket allowed us to visit 17 cities in Europe, including Macedonia and Serbia in Eastern Europe. You can travel as far north as Norway, and as south as Greece. Basically it gives you the freedom to go wherever you want and the ticket is recognised in every European country.

The map outlines the roads in each country and the train routes, with the main stops between each country. The pack also includes a route planner: We flew to Amsterdam 2 days before the start date for our train passes, and stayed in Paris 2 days after it ended. It was that easy!

It is worth the student loan or overdraft!