Sunday 11 December 2011

Strutt's Mill, Belper

I have been living in my rented house for 3 months in Derbyshire and last week decided to explore what the county has to offer. I have promised that every Sunday I would find the cheapest tourist destinations around Derbyshire and post them here.

First stop. Belper's North Mill
Many times I have driven past the mill on my way to work, however the stark size of the building made me intrigued to explore the inside.

Entrance to the mill:£3 including a tour guide. This is a great price for a World Heritage Site!
The tour lasts approx 1 hour, however visitors can stay longer.

Unfortunately most of the building has been closed to the public, but the small area that remains open is very interesting. The original building was built in 1784 but was burnt down in 1804 and was re-erected afterwards with fire proof material. What impressed me was that the building was still held by these (original) materials, such as the wooden flooring and the iron pillars. Unfortunately the huge water wheel has been taken down, however the outline of the structure is clearly visible on the wall below the mill, which is included in the tour.

The history of the mill is impressive and the philanthropic nature of Jedidiah Strutt and how he built Derbyshire's economy was educational. It was interesting to learn his work ethic 'Happy homes make good workers' (in my own words) and how important he was in building homes around Belper.

Learning how to use the Cotton machines and how patterned stockings are made was great fun and would be very educational for children. However the day we went, one of the children had damaged one of the machines.
Overall the trip was very rewarding and enlightening, not to mention cheap!

The Mill is run by volunteers and depends on the donations of visitors to keep it open. For more information on Strutt's North Mill visit:

2 minutes walk from the mill lie the River Gardens. Free to walk around and explore the natural habitat of many birds and plants. Overlooking the Derwent River, it is a lovely spot for scenic relaxation.

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